Coordination, logistics, limnochemistry and documentation of toxic or endocrine potentials and effects of microcontaminants

Prof. Dr. Rita Triebskorn
Universität Tübingen
Physiologische Ökologie der Tiere
Auf der Morgenstelle 5
72076 Tübingen
+49 (0) 7071 29 78 892
- Project management and coordination
- Planning, coordination and logistics of sampling and fishing, as well as the distribution of samples
- With additional partners of the network: Communication of the results of the entire project’s network and public relations
- Exposure of fish and invertebrates at the bypass systems
Execution and interpretation of scientific examinations regarding
- physicochemistry and limnochemistry of the examined river sections (Schussen and Argen)
- toxic and endocrine potentials, effects of surface water, sediment and samples of the influent/effluent of the test systems (sewage treatment plants, rainwater treatment)
- the health status of exposed fish and other aquatic organisms as the fish’s food source
Management and coordination aim for a structured realization of the entire project. Jointly arranged research plans with centrally organized logistics (e.g. acquisition and distribution of environmental and tissue samples) and centralized controlling of the contributions of all partners in the network guarantee a timely achievement of the aims of all subprojects. Furthermore, the acquired insights can thus be reflected by national (EU-wide) water management strategies.
For resolving the question of the efficiency of the enhancement of further sewage treatment one aim of this subproject is the contribution of data regarding potentials and effects on organisms for in-depth assessment of this efficiency. Thus, the level of enhancement of sewage treatment for an improvement of the biological/ecological situation is investigated.
Furthermore, a special scientific aim of this subproject lies in resolving the question of the relevance of harmful potentials in environmental samples. As this is usually achieved through quantification with acknowledged (yet artificial) biotests, the focus also lies on the actual effects on organisms (here: fish) in their natural habitats.
Key areas of activity
- Vital information transfer between project partners
Collection of samples at set times
- limnochemistry and physicochemistry
- characterization of toxic and endocrine potentials in environmental samples and effects in exposed organisms, as well as the investigation of the health status of biota with different analytical methods
- embryo tests with fish
- histopathological analysis of fish
- biochemical markers: stress proteins, CyPIA1, AChE, vitellogenin