Antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria

Prof. Dr. J. Winter, PD Dr. C. Gallert
Karlsruher Institut for Technologie, KIT
Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Biotechnologie des Abwassers
Am Fasanengarten
76131 Karlsruhe
0721-608 43274
The project is associated within the work package „characterization and exposition“
In this subproject the antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria, especially of fecal indicator organisms will be investigated. The antibiotics were selected according to their relevance and human consumption. Main “resistance types” like ESBL (extented spectrum β-Lactamases) of E. coli, Vancomycin resistance of Enterococci (VRE) and MRSA (Methicillin resistance of S. aureus) of Staphylococci will be examined.
The aim of this subproject is the isolatation and identification of selected pathogenic bacteria and the determination of their phenotypical and genotypical antibiotic resistance and multiresistance. Additional, the elimination efficiency of pathogenic bacteria and hereby the reduction of antibiotic resistance dispersion in the aquatic environment due to improvement of the respective wastewater treatment system should be investigated.